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The Path to $20 Million with Mike Prewett

Apr 29, 2021

Do you ever wonder how our agents accomplish everything that they do in a day? Well, Kristina Negrete is a big piece of that puzzle. Kristina tells us about her day and all that she and the HELP! Desk do for our agents at Century 21 Connect Realty!

Apr 28, 2021

Our Marketing Director, Rob Hamilton, wants to challenge me a little bit to explain some of the production numbers I reached as an agent in this business. My guess is that he thinks he has a “gotcha” moment or two in store for me.

Apr 27, 2021

According to the media, homes are more expensive than they have ever been... but is that really true? The cost of borrowing money for a home has plummeted, so you can own MORE of a home for the same price or less than you could 24 months ago.

Apr 26, 2021

Let's talk about the pros and cons of being self-employed... Are you able to do it?

Apr 22, 2021

Here's the story, directly from the agent, of how he made $105,000 in commissions from one phone call.