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The Path to $20 Million with Mike Prewett

Jan 31, 2022

Are you thinking to yourself, " I don't know what to do"? Well, don't. We're breaking down a LONG list of things that you can do every day to build your business. Let's get started with Part 1!

Jan 27, 2022

We’re almost at the end of January. One month gone in 2022 already. Did you set goals for yourself this year? If not, now’s the time to do it. If you did, are you tracking your progress on them?

Jan 26, 2022

4:30 AM? I get up at 4:30 AM? WHY? Do you get up every morning in time to get everything you need to do done? What time is that for you?

Jan 25, 2022

"Professionals stick to the schedule, amateurs let life get in the way." Are you a professional, or an amateur?

Jan 24, 2022

"Professionals stick to the schedule, amateurs let life get in the way." Are you a professional, or an amateur?